Our intakes use many images. We have an extensive documented process to be sure we have the rights to use images, video, audio, and content. There can be issues- especially as we utilize client generated content. We want to respect others copyrighted works and we want others to respect ours. If you feel there is an issue, you can handle this in 2 ways. First, let us know @ support@visualevaluations and we will immediately remove the 'work' and provide you with the information of how we obtained it. If you would like to go through our DMCA agent, Visual Evaluations Inc is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as agent 1038512.
We have found that a choice of no more than 12 guides works on a cell phone. That isn't going to allow us a guide for everyone. Share your guide ideas with us at support@visualevaluations.com. We will be rotating in new guides as we grow and do listen to what patients want to see.
Sadly, a significant number of mental health patients have trauma from males. So having female/Non Binary/Other seems to be less triggering.
Guided videos work best with strong data. They aren't going to work traveling in a car in a remote destination. If your having an issue, the best advice is to get on a good internet connection.
This works best on desktop or laptop with a bigger screen. This can be completed on most smartphones, it just takes some scrolling. If you can't get it to work on your phone, please try on a desktop computer. Help is available through support@visualevaluations.com.
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