We want to get to know you a little better before your visit.
Thanks for helping us out with this. We are going to ask you some questions. You get to pick a guide, if you want, to lead you through the assessment. It's not who you are going to see in the clinic, but hopefully a welcoming start to putting together a Mental Health Plan.
This all works best and perfectly on a computer with a good internet connection- you can complete on a cellphone with good data, it’s just a little more work with the small screen.
Something positive and different. Join us for Smiles, the Ukulele, and Aloha Spirit- this is a positive feel good journey focused on Mental Health, not mental illness. If you become fans, check out Rowena's book on Amazon called Random Acts of Aloha. You can also find out more and buy yourself a Ukulele @ https://brianandrowena.com
Coming soon!
You can test it out but we are still editing our Spanish skills. This intake not currently sending results.
Prefiero hablar español
Si el español es su idioma preferido, vaya aquí. Todavía estamos editando nuestro español, especialmente los tiempos verbales.
If Spanish is your preferred language, go here.
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